People will trust you more if you have high-quality photos that demonstrate relevant content.

Great content photography establishes trust. Colours and cropping can contribute to the creation of memorable photography. You want to establish a relationship with the audience. Apart from colour and tone, consider the overall mood of the image. Establish objectives and map out your journey. You don’t want to overlook a critical image later. Goals and plans help you stay on track with your images and story, while also keeping your customer in mind. Utilize as few stock images as possible. Keep in mind that you want your clients to have an emotional reaction to your product or service. You want to create an impression with the customer that your product or service anticipates their needs.

Typically, social media header images require a space for text. Consider some examples or, better yet, discuss them with your photographer prior to the session. For blogs, you may require a background image with or without text. Additional images will be required for upcoming or future blog posts. 

Unless explicitly stated, refrain from using distracting images (controversial, loud, meme)

Photographs of people have a positive effect and help establish trust. A cheerful face boosts conversion. Rather than using stock images, take your own, an employee’s, or a client’s photograph. In photographs, we frequently follow people’s eyes. Create buttons, text, or call to action elements.

These are only a few suggestions for session planning.